Sunday, September 21, 2014

So Un-Gnat-ural

If there was ever a low-value life form, what could better represent it than a gnat?

They hatch in tall grass under the muggiest of conditions. They live a few weeks, at most. What do they do with their time on Earth? Swarm toward lightly colored clothing and skin, on animals literally 100,000 times their size. They inflict a bite sharp enough to annoy, really just a pinch. They lack the vision to see the death blow coming, ending them in a microscopic smear.

What is the purpose of a gnat's life? They probably lack the capacity to contemplate it, but if they had it, it might explain their kamikaze assaults on humanity.

How much better are we than gnats? In most of our most pitiful moments, we have so much that can be achieved. We have a future beyond the end of the month. We have abilities beyond mere irritation. We can leave a legacy beyond a bite mark that lasts a week.

Exceed the gnat. What will we do today?

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