Monday, May 19, 2008

Mom's Hip Replacement

Mom's surgery was scheduled for 12:15 this afternoon.

11:00 Arrived at Central Dupage Hospital, as required. Notified that we'd be admitted to the pre-op area in a few minutes.

11:45 "A few minutes" later, summoned to pre-op.

12:15 Notified that the doctor is running 1 1/2 hours behind.

1:45 Mom notes that she's hungry. She's been required to fast since midnight.

2:45 Doctor appears, noting that the surgery should take 1 1/2 hours, and recovery an extra hour. Off she goes! Family is preferred to wait until the surgery ends.

4:45 Surgery ends. While Mom's recovering from anaesthesia, doctor gives me the post-op consultation: It went great! Much arthritis, and much fluid, removed. There's a chance that she can come right home from the hospital in a few days, without a rehab clinic stay in between.

5:00 I'm gettin' out of here. Doctor said an hour of recovery, but nurse said at least two hours. I'm betting on the nurse. I leave my phone number, they'll call me when she's ready to move.

10:00 I call the hospital. She's been moved.

In summary: Mom's successfully healing, thanks to highly-skilled and dependable medical staff -- as long as they're performing surgery and not telling time.

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