Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pelvis Is Not Dead!

This week in yoga I learned a couple of helpful tidbits.

1. When you stand with your feet pointed outward, it compresses the lower back by tilting the pelvis forward. By making sure the outsides of the feet are parallel, the pelvis stays level and the spine says "thanks"! Delightfully I found this to be true... the most painful back strain I feel is when I'm balancing on my left leg for whatever reason. Lately I've been experimenting with turning my left foot more toward center when I reach these positions, with comforting strength.

2. Locking knees is also bad. I tend to stand that way since my hamstrings are more flexible, which means that the knees are slightly hyperextended. Good health follows those who keep 'em slightly loose while in normal posture.

Someone asked me if I'm the only guy in class. Well... yeah... but I'm getting valuable orthopedic advice for $3.50 an hour. Unless Dena changes careers, I'm never going to find this kind of bargain!

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