Sunday, September 5, 2010

End Run

"It doesn't matter where you start, it's where you end." - Colin Powell

I'm a mediocre basketball coach. If you don't believe it, come see me sometime. Clearly I'm new at this.

Before that, I was lousy at reading tax law. Couldn't play the guitar for more than 15 minutes thanks to tender fingers, and an inability to finish a song from start to finish without flubbing. Needed two hours to make a supervisory decision. My soccer kicks sailed high of the net. Strained my voice whenever I tried to hit higher notes, and ran out of breath too soon. Practically read a word-for-word script when public speaking. No clue as to whom to call for condo troubles. Rode the pines on the freshman high school "B" hoops team. Struggled to come up with one blog post per day.

Confidence and faith make the difference. Patience for experience makes the difference. Perseverance and humility make the difference.

Next season, I'll be a different coach. And the same will be true for the next adventure after that. Things will work out in the end.

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