Sunday, September 5, 2010

If At First You Don't Succeed... Then You've Learned

"There is no failure, only feedback."
"If you're willing to fail, you'll succeed greatly."
"A way to success: fail fast."

- Anonymous

As sometimes happens, a friend of mine asked if I'd review a letter he'd drafted. The letter was in response to a dispute with a co-worker. In a phone call and a note, she had vehemently accused him of incompetence. The draft response was filled with sharp and frustrated retorts and, naturally, some defensiveness.

It rang familiar. Hidden Bloggers know that I've failed in these situations several times. How? By pressing the Send button instead of letting the venting safely and healthily evaporate via the Delete key! I've yet to see a situation resolved via e-debate, and once anger creeps in - forget it. Anger is a flare-up condition like acne or poison ivy. It doesn't reflect the true nature of the person, and it's temporary... unless scratched. Kindness is the salve against all but the most extreme cases. One day, I'll practice that preaching in all respects of life, not just at the keyboard. Meanwhile, the lessons continue...

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