Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pitching And Moaning

In game four of the 1996 World Series, pitcher Kenny Rogers was getting shelled by the Atlanta Braves as the New York Yankees fell behind early. However, he did manage the team's first base hit. Standing on the bag, he said to his first base coach, "I'm glad I can hit, because I'm not pitching very good."

Later, his manager Joe Torre learned of that comment. "I didn't think that was real funny. It's that false mentality, trying to make light of the situation. Even when you're kidding, there's still that negative thought in your head."

I agree. However slightly it may be, spewing out some of that gallows humor just swishes around the negativity of the situation. Better to find an uplifting thought, or at the very least a strong one, which starts the climb toward success.

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