Monday, September 13, 2010

High/Low Week 36, 2010

The week's low point was the Mount St. Helen's/Jerry Springer meeting, which weighs heavily upon teamwork and causes regrettable delays in the inevitable march toward progress.

The highs were everywhere though.

It was a busy week of work and volunteering, as the condominium board's invested a lot of time recently in enforcing compliance. Enforcement is never fun, and running on less than 6 hours of sleep a night is usually a recipe for struggles. But in learning to monitor my body's rhythms, it was easier to tough out the stress and realize that eventually I'd catch up on my sleep and things would improve.

We got an offer to join a small group... always uplifting to be wanted. That got trumped when Ryan offered me the chance to coach with him. This looks to be a great fit with an old friend. The sophomore practice schedule is slightly later in the day, just enough to enable me to get across town from work timely. I'll be helping coach the same class of players that I worked with last year, so chemistry is already there and I can focus more on learning X's and O's from a bright and experienced mind. Plus it cinches one of the new year's resolutions!

It'd be hard to understate the upswing of discovering that body fat percentage meter. It simultaneously provided the measuring tool I'd been looking for, and validated that I've met yet another resolution.

Near the end of the week, I got a breather and was able to start developing rankings for another fantasy football season. Meanwhile, 4 of the 5 baseball teams remain in first place. And Alabama rolled over Penn State, using a second-string running back mind you.

And of course, the sunniest summer I can remember just keeps on coming. Next week's bringing another round of 80 degree clear skies. Inside, too.

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