Monday, October 3, 2011

A Program That Does a Luta Good

"Our program isn't just about getting rid of energy. It's also about rigor and values. The disciplined fighter will always beat the overwrought fighter. Luta means fight, but it also means struggle, in a good way." - Luke Dowdney

Dowdney runs a program in South America that teaches boys to box. It's an area that routinely finds 12-year olds carrying sidearms on street corners - and a program that has elevated at least one of its participants into an Olympic qualifier, saved from the slums.

Fortunately most of the people I know don't face those kinds of risks when they wake up in the morning. Still, the choice between being disciplined or overwrought with random, wasted energy is there.

In college I noticed (for whatever reason) that in my most overwhelmed moments, it was usually true that my bed was unmade. A little slack is good in most every belt and most every life. Still, tiny pockets of mess can be surprisingly draining on their own, and may add up to something more ominous around the waistline, the checkbook balance or the office if left unchecked.

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