Friday, October 21, 2011

Tender Mercies

"I could say 'Why me?', but I'd never know why she was chosen for this. And so I decided to be strong and happy for all the little tender mercies." - Reagan Breinholt

The Breinholts were blessed with their first child, a daughter Piper. She was born with a genetic disorder which has afflicted about 80 reported cases worldwide. She was born with only 13 ribs rather than 24; a severely underdeveloped jaw; could barely breathe under her own power. In her short life she has rarely felt the sun upon her face.

Still, Reagan and Jake celebrate every sign of life from Piper . She kicks off a sock. Smiles as she feels a pebble rolled against her palm. Someday, might enjoy the sensations of sitting on grass.

For now, they count what they have - not what they don't. And they know they've made a difference.

"She's still very sick, but I wonder if she would've grown so much if we hadn't gone crazy over the little things. It's a chain reaction."

What chain reaction can we start today in our own small world? What tender mercies - as simple as a smile or a listening ear - can we bestow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have an update on this Jake?