Friday, December 2, 2011

Thinking In The Shower

"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." - Voltaire

I had a pretty puzzling problem to solve at work the other day. Kind of big, kind of complex.

I thought about it in the shower, and couldn't solve it.

Thought about it during the drive to work, nope.

Later while walking to meeting, still no dice.

While I was walking to the car, something started to click.

During a ride on the stationary bike, it all came flowing like a river. I scribbled the answer down as fast as I could.

I've always found that I tend to do my best creative thinking while in motion.

And what about Votaire's "sustained thinking" in relationships?

To me, it's about having a plan B that's not too bad.

I e-mailed someone with an idea for an activity, and he never responded. No problem, because I anticipate that many people are bad with e-mail response.

At work I tossed out a suggestion that could alter my job significantly. It met some resistance at first. I expected that, and also planned to give it another run, this time face-to-face to see if a good night's sleep makes a difference - for both of us. And worst case, my job stays as it is, which by the way I'm getting better at.

I suppose that's just another way of saying to find the silver lining behind a cloud. Another way I view it is that most good ideas are like a good plant, needing to sow seed several times over a long period of time before it sprouts.

Success is about "sustaining," thank goodness life is long.

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