Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Which Is It Again... Say 'No' To Drugs Or To Sports?

I've been on a sports sabbatical for a while, maybe 10 months or so. At least in the sense of playing them.

Until Sunday, that is.

A neighbor asked me if I wanted to play some touch football. They had five players, and could use a sixth.

It was 50 degrees in December, and I'd missed a workout a couple days ago.

Why not?

It's two days later, and now I can think of a reason why not.

You know how in the commercials the narrator sometimes says "Consult your doctor before beginning any program of exercise?" Mm-hmm.

It feels like I've got vices on my hamstrings, back, and biceps.

Oh wait, on my calves too. Quadriceps. And my abs.

Is there any muscle that you don't use in football?

It ain't right when a young man needs two seconds to stand up from a chair. Or when he flinches in pain after a sneeze. Or when he thinks thoughts like "probably better just to hold onto this pillow, 'cause if I lie it on the floor for a second then I'll have to bend over to pick it up again."

Hey, it was a heck of a fun time. This is what I tell myself as I pop an aspirin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and the T-man need to exchange sports injuries at Christmas...

He's been playing basketball 2-3 times a week, and I think he's tweaked every joint, pulled almost every muscle, and bruised about every inch of his body!

He and motrin have a good relationship :)