Monday, April 2, 2012

Leave The World Just A Little Better Than You Found It

From Reader's Digest:

"Grandpa was a man of integrity. He was a rancher who loved his family fiercely and passed down simple yet important life lessons. My dad tells a story about helping his dad tediously was borrowed farm equipment before they returned it to a neighbor. 'Why ar we cleaning this?' he asked. 'It was dirty when we got it. Always return something a little better than you found it,' was Grandpa's reply. A week after Grandpa's funeral, I helped my dad vacuum, wash and refuel a car he had borrowed from a friend. After accepting the vehicle, the friend leaned over to me and remarked, 'Whenever I loan something to your dad, I know it will come back in even better shape.' And that is my grandpa's legacy. He left the world just a little better than he found it. I hope I can do the same." - Katharine Hanschu

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