Saturday, April 7, 2012

Till Trips Do Us Part: The Week In Thanks

With the arrival of April, the year is officially a quarter over.

The unseasonably warm weather's allowed me to lounge outdoors every day this week. Often times I'll do this just after a three-mile run, then stretch out on a deck chair. As I cool down and feel the sun on my face I like to center myself with a simple meditation...

The air is fresh (breathe in four beats)
The sounds are natural (breathe out four beats)
The breeze is soothing (in)
The view is calm (out)

It helps me take in nature using four different senses. Smell. Hearing. Touch. Sight.

I usually only do this by the pool, but I've also done it while walking into work, or driving.

I usually do it with closed eyes (not while driving). Typically that means that my "view" is a soft darkness, but sometimes I use that breath to conjure up images of my dreams for the future. I might be on stage performing in Hairspray. Or celebrating a small win on the basketball court. Or out to dinner with Dena. Any convenient bright point on the horizon.

Lately I've noticed a deepening ability to leave the pratfalls and pin pricks of the past behind. More often than not, if I start to get irritated I catch it immediately, almost mock that silly, destructive thought, and replace it with something else. I've come to recognize that my first and last hour of the day are usually edgy for me as my body starts to wake up or tire out... so if I find myself mentally stuck on some problem or worrisome issue, I just drop it until I get a chance to rest up, trusting that God has a plan for me to succeed. It's taken a few years to reach this level of peace, which just washes over me sometimes like the gentle spring rain that graced us this afternoon. I feel like it's adding years to my life.

Few things awaken a slumbering winter soul like the scent of wet earth and fresh grass amid a feathery wind. This is what couples with the sight of thickening green branches blossoming out in the yard, through the pane of our kitchen window. The stillness of the living room is accented by the occasional faintest crackle from the scented candle on our coffee table.

It's so easy in this serenity to count blessings:
- terrific math students to tutor
- basketball staff, players and families that are witty, creative, hard working, and supportive
- capable co-workers who support each other and me
- patient and lovable family members
- a body that can run, bike, heal, dance, sing, smile, teach, write and a dozen other gifts
- no allergies or enemies
- good home, good neighbors
- reliable car

600 tickets have been sold for the musical. I've never had an easier time making new acquaintances since I kicked it off as a personal resolution several years ago. I think there are more doors waiting to be opened here, if I'm good about asking questions. And the hair salon where I get mine cut asked if they could hang a poster to advertise there.

I've got ideas spinning through my head about ways to find more tutoring opportunities. Looking ahead also to skit design for vacation bible school again this year. Started reading basketball books and analyzed the varsity's practices from the last year to get some ideas.

Drafted a few super fantasy baseball rosters. Opening Day was this week! Fresh hope for a league championship, and to a much, much lesser extent, for the Cubs to maybe win 70 games.

And... in just a few hours... Dena gets home from her week-long ministry for deaf children in Reynosa, Mexico. Since our wedding anniversary we've spent more time apart than together these last two weeks (my "birthday" vacation, her mission trip). So, yeah, this week will be even better than the last two!

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