Friday, December 14, 2012

Early Morning Couch Musings

It's said that the Lord works in mysterious ways.

As a side note, I personally tend to prefer the term "God" over "Lord." Both are talking about a powerful being, but "Lord" makes me feel like I'm an English butler receiving a stream of commands. In reality, though my life is shaped by forces beyond my control, it's way less explicit than some dude barking orders at me. Just sayin'.

These random nights when I awaken (almost always between 2-3 a.m.) with energy to burn and head downstairs to the living room sofa to wind down again often seem to lead to something productive. So like anything mysterious and random in my life (for better or not-better-yet), I credit it to God.

Tonight (today?) I opened Facebook and found a message from a dear college friend who shared that she enjoyed Hidden Blog.

Hidden Bloggers know by now that I started this as a self-help exercise, and it still carries out that mission today. There's real physical-emotional connection for me between the act of writing my thoughts and philosophies, focusing for just a few minutes on the bright side of life, and the course of my day. And my self-control when things aren't going so well.

As the clock approaches 4:30 a.m. and the responsibilities of the day draw nearer, I prepare to check back into bed (well, into couch more likely, with Hallmark Christmas movies lulling me to sleep) knowing that this post has done someone, somewhere, just a little bit of good. That ought to make for some pleasant dreams, and a jump start to the day.

Happy Friday!

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