Sunday, December 23, 2012

Groin In The Right Direction: The Week In Thanks

First off... I appreciate that God has such a sense of humor, or the irony of the universe, depending on your spiritual views. Yesterday I wrote the post about stretching before playing football. I mentioned stretching my groin twice on the list. Then I went out and pulled my groin. Nice.

Ibuprofen. So instead of walking around like a man with a peg leg and a constant scowl, I merely walk around like a man with a peg leg. Clearly, pirates lacked aspirin.

Ice pack. A very effective running mate of the drugs, keeping any swelling at bay.

Anatomy. The ice pack would be far less effective if my anatomy weren't, um, shiftable in certain respects. How can anyone deny God's existence?

Our leopard-print Snuggie. Another item made more valuable by having sub-30-degree items pressed against one's flesh for long periods of time.

Timing. Two weeks without basketball practice, the incident occurred just as Christmas break began. Perfect for resting.

I commented in an earlier post that this was my toughest week (and month) of work in 18 months. I literally had to go home and get out of the office for a few days to recharge my batteries. I came within 24 hours of resigning from my job, cleaned out the personal effects from my office, set up an e-mail on a timer to announce it. And so...

Dena is so supportive. Just as supportive as she was when I contemplated career change to the ministry about seven years ago. Big financial change, but she's good with it. As good as I am with pro and con lists, she helped out in evaluating.

Thankfully there was nothing so pressing that week that required me to be at the office. The time off work let me clear my head, just like normal vacation does. I got plenty of sleep. Got time to fully experience the mental state of being retired, including both senses of gain and loss. Time to review our financial projections for the first time in a while.

Then while driving home from basketball practice, a warm feeling just washed over me. I envisioned myself sticking it out, finishing the plan I started, newly toughened by this most recent experience. Without the accumulation of previous failures, I may not have reached this decision. So in this moment I am thankful for all of those. And the stubborn genes of an Irish and Polish fighter.

I also have renewed energy for the tutoring business, and it sure helps when your wife is a graphic designer and marketing director. I drew up a logo which she polished. Came up with a list of promotional giveaways like custom pencils, paper pads, folders. Scripted some radio commercials. Dena designed a business card, which can double as a magnet to put on a fridge or public place. We bounced around some networking concepts.

On the non-administrative side, tutoring continued to go well also. My newest high school student (a family friend of a co-worker) who's failing his class even remarked that he was 'excited' to take his final. Light bulbs turning on... my fuel... my calling.

The sophomore basketball team pushed its record to 5-1 with a comfortable win over an athletic opponent. Coach Short and the boys are all in good spirits, despite a week of physically rugged practices.

The fantasy basketball team is in first place.

I was invited to sing/reunite with the Catholic band for their Christmas Eve 4 p.m. mass.

I've got a half-dozen Christmas movies cued up, which I'm going to need because Dena is out shopping for her gimpy husband. Fortunately I already have a bonus gift to give her for her help. :)

The holiday-studded next week of work should be quiet enough to allow me to finally wrap up a technical project that I've been chasing for months. If I finish, I'll reward myself by taking New Year's Eve off. And in the non-work moments, we'll be celebrating with our families, including reunions with our distantly-residing brothers.

May your days be merry and bright, and may your Christmas and groin muscles be right!

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