Saturday, December 22, 2012

Game Day: Flag Football

My game-day routine for today's flag football contest:

1. Wake up.
2. Drink a full glass of water.
3. Repeat #2 every ten minutes, until indisputable evidence that I have more than enough water in my system.
4. Eat healthy meal a few hours prior.
5. Stretch shoulders. 
6. Stretch hamstrings.
7. Stretch tendons.
8. Stretch calves.
9. Stretch groin.
10. Confirm adequate supply of Ibuprofen for later.
11. Select outfit for 22-degree weather.
12. Re-stretch groin.
13. Play football.

My game-day routine for 20 years' ago's flag football contest:

1. Wake up.
2. Play football.

My game-day routine for 20 years in the future flag football contest:

1. Look out window and smile.

My game-day routine for 20 years after that:

1. Hey, get off! My headstone is NOT an end zone marker people!

Off we go!

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