Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Great Perspective

Today I heard from a friend about a young man who, while swerving to avoid a deer on the road, rammed into a light post. Cars drove past him in the cold, early morning for the next two hours, but only when the power company showed up to fix the light was he discovered and transported to safety.

He is paralyzed from the waist down.

He's barely 20 years old.

The friend telling me the story commented about how that kind of loss would be tough even on her, who has "lived most of her life" already. But to face so many years...

So as I sit here with my sore groin muscle, and occasionally gimpy back... I'm sleeping with the excitement of rising tomorrow and moving about on two legs, with perhaps half my life or more yet to live.

Another friend told me that a last-minute political issue threatens to extinguish what has been over a two-year quest for adoption of a boy. The would-be parents flew across the Atlantic earlier to take care of some paperwork. They met their would-be son. No doubt spent months dreaming of their life with him. And now it may dissolve days before they were to set their final court date for delivery.

I think about loss, but do I really know what loss is?

God sends me reminders to be thankful for all that I have.

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