Monday, December 31, 2012

The Best Time Of Day To...

From Reader's Digest:

7:00 Make a baby. Men's sperm count is higher in the early morning.
8:30 Make a decision. Later in the day we suffer from "decision fatigue" and settle for quick answers.
9:00 Update the blog (score!). Most Web surfers check their sites by 10 a.m.
10:00 Take an aspirin. It's the mostly likely time of day for heart attacks.
11:00 Send an e-mail. Most likely time for people to check is just before lunch.
1:00 Watch a funny YouTube video. 300 million tweets suggest that the national mood is lowest at 1 p.m.
2:00 Power nap. This is when the body temp starts to drop just like during sleep.
4:00 Tweet something witty. Re-tweeting is most likely between 3-5.
4:30 Clean the house. Hand-eye coordination is highest around 4-5.
5:00 Exercise. Body temp is highest from 5-6, increasing stamina.
9:00 Sell something on eBay. End your auction then, when people are surfing after work.
10:00 Solve the world's problems. People do their most abstract/creative thinking when tired.

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