Sunday, February 15, 2015

Are You Resilient?

Resilient people tend to:

1. Stay strong. They're self-confident, and have a clear sense of their strengths and survivor instincts. They remind themselves what they've mastered in the past, and when they see difficulty ahead, they know what sort of help to seek.

2. Maintain a network of relationships. To family, neighbors, congregations, and other communities.

3. Take action in tough situations. They navigate change one step at a time.

4. Recognize that change takes time, but not forever. Bad times pass, and look at the big picture as a reminder that difficulty isn't permanent. They accept what has changed or is uncertain, and dwell on what they can influence.

5. Manage their emotions. They're inevitable, so resilient people don't suppress them, however they also don't let emotions take over. They eventually see hard times and changes as opportunities for growth and realignment.

6. Remain hopeful and visualize better times ahead. They have beloved people, causes, spirituality or passions that motivate them. They use these to envision a better future.

7. Stick to a routine. Whether grieving or reacting to other difficult circumstances, people move through them better if they eat well and get sufficient sleep and exercise. Managing stress through self-care rituals or spending time with people who make them laugh also helps them negotiate tough times.

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