Friday, February 13, 2015

Texting Under The Influence?

Okay, in fairness the following stream of texts was caused by a glitch in the computer of the parent who sent them from the basement of her work place. Plus, I know for certain that she is not the substance abuse type. Still, it's a colorful moment in the otherwise black-and-white world of math tutoring.

Me: "Is your son coming to today's session?"

Mom: "I.m sorry. He doesn.t"

Mom: "I.m not sure that he didn.t go to"

Mom: "so gone home. Without his phone,"

Mom: "Where ar"

Me: "I'm at the library. I do have a 4pm appt so can't stay late, if he wants to reschedule I'll have Monday openings."

Mom: "If you are open on Monday, why do"

Mom: "am sorry this was mixed up. I do"

Mom: "ger day"

Mom: "Sorry - misread the .couldn.t. st"

Mom: "have made sense. What time Monda"

Mom: "cat"

Although the overall message was abundantly clear, at this point I called her phone and left a voice message, explaining the random-fragment texts, and just to make sure she didn't want me to tutor her cat. Moments after I hung up, the phone buzzed with fresh texts.

Mom: "Sorry AGAIN! My phone (voice) doe"

Mom: "head somewhere else in the"

At this point we spoke by phone, using sane and sober English, and agreed to reschedule for Monday. Her son, not the cat.

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