Sunday, February 15, 2015

Your Daily Health Routines: Do This, Not That

Courtesy of Men's Health:

Tooth Brushing

Do: Brush twice a day. Unless you brush perfectly, you'll likely miss some the first time around.
Don't: Underbrush the inner-facing side of the teeth (on average people spend 62% less time on it). Also don't brush right after eating something acidic.

Experiencing A Fever

Do: Get warm. Your body may shiver to indicate the need. A fever is actually a good sign, because higher temperature increases the body's ability to attack the infection (as long as it's less than 103 degrees).
Don't: Pop pills (like 44% of people do) or try to cool off (6%).

Cleaning A Wound

Do: Wash your hands, flush the cut with water, apply a dab of petroleum jelly to keep it moist, and apply a bandage.
Don't: Tough it out, let it scab and scar.

Dealing With Back Pain

Do: Move around if possible. It feels counterintuitive but it helps.
Don't: Taking aspirin, heating or icing the back have been shown in some studies to be minimally effective if at all.


Do: Rather than tracking consumption, track bathroom trips. Five is a good number. Monitor the output: lemonade or lighter color is healthy.
Don't: Drink an arbitrary number like 8 glasses. Each body is different.

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