Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Leading By Exam-Pull

"To be effective, leaders must begin by setting aside that culturally conditioned 'natural' instinct to lead by push, particularly when times are tough. Leaders must instead adopt the unnatural behavior of always leading by pull of inspiring values." -- James O'Toole, from his book Leading Change

What are those values? As it happens, an employee opinion survey came out today that rated at 100% their satisfaction with me as their manager. How would I describe my interaction with them?

1. Finding a reason to smile in every conversation.
2. Taking interest in their interests.
3. Encouraging them to try, at the risk of failing.
4. Saying thanks for every effort, and congratulations for every achievement.
5. Putting life ahead of work to the fullest extent possible.
6. "You may be right, I may be wrong."
7. "I'm sorry."

Nothing that hasn't been written in a hundred books, just reflections of one person in one good year.

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