Saturday, August 23, 2008

Prayers And Thanks

I ran into my friend Jennifer, who works in a retail store. It so happened that she'd just gotten news that her cousin, delivering a child by C-section 45 minutes away in Peoria, had taken a turn for the worse. Amidst a bad hemorrhaging of blood, the hospital staff was fighting for her life.

And Jennifer couldn't get away from the job. Couldn't find someone willing to come in and cover her shift, couldn't get management permission to leave them short-handed. As a person working three jobs to pay the bills, it was surely no easy thought to simply walk away.

Dena and I were powerless to help, and as we walked away we looked over our shoulders, seeing her fighting back tears with red-faced eyes while trying to concentrate on helping a persistent customer.

While our prayers go out to her, we can be so thankful for the jobs that we have, and the good fortune that allows us to be with the ones we love. It's just another example of undeserved blessings that we'd prove to be further unworthy of by insisting on complaining.

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