Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where's Wooden?

It's come to Hidden Blog's attention that its regular readership has absolutely no concept of John Wooden.

Studies have shown that readership declines when 20% of a site's material is rated "Who the hell is he?" by 100% of its viewers.

Hidden Blog regrets the error, and offers the following links to give some insight into the winningest coach in college basketball history:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3RHqqWNHOo (but, like, imagine him 40 years younger)

1 comment:

freid207 said...

I have been thusly informed and realize that I have been quoting him without realizing I was quoting him. While generally apathetic to all things sports-related, I do think Wooden is pretty darn fantastic...humble, devoted, authentic...rare in any profession. Consider your readership up-to-speed.