Wednesday, September 24, 2008


From Lou Tice. This is timely! Today, day 3 of my quest to start getting up early, ended with a humiliating meeting at work, followed by a discouraging meeting with Leadership McLean County. Thankfully, by now I've learned that when I feel like this, the most important thing is not the temporary result, but my reaction to it. These moods are hyperamplified when I'm not getting enough rest. Because I'm "too blessed to be stressed"! Off to bed until I rebound! I don't "meditate" in the popular sense of the word, but by chilling out mellow, waiting for my next surge in energy. Could it be more than mere coincidence that these inspiriational messages find me when I most need them?

Do you find yourself feeling out of sorts or angry a lot? What do you do when you get angry? Let's talk about this powerful feeling.

Anger is a powerful emotion that reveals itself in many different ways. Some folks seem to go through life with a chip on their shoulder. They are quick to find things to be angry about, always fix the cause of their anger as
somewhere outside themselves, and occasionally erupt into rage. Other people
seem to run on a pretty even keel most of the time, but when they get angry
they explode and feel completely out of control.

One of my seminar participants once described anger like jumping into a
powerful sports car, gunning the motor, taking off at high speed, and then
discovering that the brakes don't work. But you know, it is possible to do
some work on those brakes, and while you may want to get professional help,
you can learn to be your own mechanic too.

You can learn to accept yourself and others as they are at the same time you
focus on and move toward a new way of dealing with anger. You can learn to
think constructively about what you'd like to have happen, rather than
destructively about what you don't want. And you can learn to channel the
energy that now goes to fuel your anger into building an exciting future

If you decide to use your enormous potential, you can put the brakes on
anger, shift gears, and take charge of your life.

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