Saturday, September 13, 2008

Making Change

John Wooden once allowed his staff to talk him into using a 3-2 zone defense, which collapsed in a loss shortly thereafter.

"That was the last time we brought up the 3-2 zone defense. But Coach Wooden had listened and given it - and us - a chance. He wasn't afraid to make a change. And when it didn't work, there were no recriminations. He moved on without making us feel we had led him down he wrong path." -- Gary Cunningham

This week was the completion of the Employee Opinion Survey process at work. One immediate change is that I've been assigned to run the "support staff" meetings on a full-time basis. Whether I'll do a good or bad job is yet to be seen, but the response to the concerns about inclusiveness will be met head-on, through a survey of the attendees as to what they want to get out of the meetings... if they want them at all. I'm excited about this chance to get to know more members of the department, and delighted for the trust to handle this. Whatever the group decides, we'll try. It's a nearly cost-free way of enabling employees to meet two fundamental human needs: to experience change, and to make a meaningful contribution through input that makes a difference.

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