Friday, September 25, 2009

Words Have Consequences

"It was wrong then to demonize the president, and it is wrong now...

Ted Kennedy once mistakenly received a direct-mail appeal from Jerry Falwell urging him to send money to fight 'ultraliberals such as Ted Kennedy.' The mishap led to a remarkable scene: Falwell hosted Kennedy on the campus of Falwell's university in Lynchburg, Va. There, to applause from the crowd, Kennedy quoted a speech that his brother Jack gave to the Protestant Council of New York City: 'The family of man is not limited to a single race or religion, to a single city, or country … the family of man is nearly three billion strong. Most of its members are not white and most of them are not Christian.' (The speech had been delivered in November 1963.) Ted Kennedy concluded by citing Saint Paul: 'If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.' I believe it is possible."

- Jon Meacham, Newsweek

Regardless of who's leading the nation, city, office or house, there are few things as uplifting as the ability to hold someone accountable while still holding them in respect.

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