Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Case Of The Sleepless Singer

"The final mystery is oneself." - Oscar Wilde

Who can understand people's sleep patterns? I could be a bit more disciplined in the way I structure mealtimes, watch T.V. and so on so that my body chemistry is ready for sleep when bedtime arrives. More typically I'll do a bit of snacking close to then, turn on a comedy and drift off to sleep without trouble. Like the tides, though, there will usually be a night in there where for some reason the motor just keeps running. The good news is that it used to run with various worries about tomorrow... nowadays thanks to some life choices that's a non-issue. Still, like last night, sometimes I'll finally conk out around 4 a.m. and run on fumes for a day. When those late-night surges happen I've learned to stroll downstairs and either doodle on the computer or play some songs on the guitar to unwind. I'd be interested in others' clues or tricks of the trade to unlock the mystery of sleepless nights!

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