Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vital Stats

It was a good afternoon!

I got another hour of walking 4.3 miles on the treadmill after work today. During a mid-walk break I ran through a weight circuit of 8-rep sets twice:

Wrist curls - 60 lbs.
Standing squats - 135 lbs.
Shoulder press - 110 lbs.
Bicep curls - 90 lbs.
Bench press - 160 lbs.
Leg curls - 35 lbs.
Seated rows - 160 lbs.
Toe raises - 220 lbs. (20 reps)

And I had an annual physical and passed with flying colors:

Height: 5 foot 10 1/2
Weight: 155
BP: 100/60
Pulse: 52 bpm
Risk factors: slightly low HDL (good) cholesterol (38, normal is 40)

No Schwarzenegger am I, but always happy to be able to bench press my weight!

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