Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cyclops Got Game

I've been sniffling the last day or so, probably because of something I picked up from one of the NCHS players. I believe that one of the better remedies is to sweat off a cold, so the timing was good for Saturday morning hoops at Four Seasons. I always feel better psychologically too for having toughed it out rather than festering in bed.

Fate had an extra challenge in mind for me. Five minutes into the first game I caught an elbow in the eye. It was just hard enough to dislodge my $15 contact lens to God-knows-where. Shoved deeper into my eye? Onto the floor? Rather than having ten players scour the floor for it I just gave it up. I called in for a sub and spent some time in the locker room feeling all around my eye trying to find it in vain.

I wasn't about to let that stop me! Winners persevere. After shooting my way into a depth-perception-distorted rhythm, I actually won several half-blinded games over the next 90 minutes. Now, with my glasses on and my world re-oriented, there's one more reason to feel good.

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