Sunday, March 14, 2010

High/Low Week 10 2010

Well it was kinda embarrassing to show up a week too early for my guitar performance, not only for me but just feeling badly about Dena getting up so early to be there too. But clerical errors like are tolerable.

I've been getting out of my eating discipline of late, and the scale claims that I'm hovering around the 16% body fat mark. If I'm going to seriously challenge the 14% resolution, it's going to have to start with calorie counting. With all the extra running I've been doing, I'm confident that the calorie burning will increase.

I let it bother me that a work meeting which was to "finalize" system requirements for a new product feature ended up not finalizing everything, and even introduced some additional research to be done. I can live with the results of the meeting - I do feel like I'm functioning as best I should given the resources I have, and there are just going to be some very humbling moments. When I'm jet skiing, there are times when we fly way up in the air over a good-sized wave. Good health demands that I ride these work bumps with the same smile on my face. The ski might even tip over and get us all wet, but we'll be having a great time unless I start fuming angrily about the experience.

I started two "reverse mentoring" relationships at work this week! It's my first time participating, and I was fortunate to draw two high-quality people who are lifelong learners and interesting to talk to. I stand to learn a lot about life as a "student" these days, and about areas of the department I've not visited in some time.

I wrote all about the successful day off, which was truly the highest of highlights.

At work I got some very positive feedback regarding several personnel related issues. I think it will move us forward smartly.

My back's been without incident for, geez, about a month now. The weight training and stretching is undoubtedly paying off. And my knees seem to be complaining less too. I was doing 145 pounds on the squat and am now up to 185. Likewise 50 on the leg curl, now up to 90. Calf raises 210, now at 280. Still meek by athletic standards, but satisfying by actuarial standards!

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