Monday, April 12, 2010

The Bizarro Post

Dona recently did a post I liked about important things that are NOT happening in her life. Sort of like if Bizarro Superman did Twitter posts:

"kryptonite rocks (lol)! can't get enuf of it. now if lois lane would just step off, life would be total awsum."

"saw bank robbery, for real! guns and hostages and everything. so cool. late for lunch with lex luthor so couldn't stick around."

How about it?

Today went great. I got up a little later than usual, around 5:00, but managed to make up lost time by eating my donuts in the car on the way to the office and postponing the shower. Just to be safe I downed an extra Red Bull to shake off the sleep-fog.

Always sweet to kick off the day with an 8:00 meeting. I took a ton of notes and dropped them on the "minutes" pile on the floor of my office. I may have to move that pile soon, as the grease from the "bacon" pile is starting to soak up into it. My boss met with me today for my performance review and while we mostly ended up talking about gardening, fishing and feelings (thank you, spare box of Kleenex!) he eventually gave me a 15% raise. He gave some great feedback - some people (especially the men) aren't as huggy as me, and others want me to stop taping Bible passages on their monitors. Hopefully he can just get me out of this supervising gig soon, the only idea less interesting than leadership is being in a rock band!

When I got home Dena was in her fifth hour of SportsCenter, which gave me a perfect opportunity to get outside and rotate the tires on my car. I also got over to Lowe's to pick up some drywall, and Kroger to grab some beer and smokes. Gotta enjoy them while I can, one more trimester to go and it's all over...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

LOL! Okay, the first comment wasn't worthy once I went back and reread. Twice.

Joe you crack me up!

freid207 said...

This was so hysterically funny, I had to change my pants! Especially the last two sentences.