Thursday, April 22, 2010

Call Waiting

"My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened." - Montaigne

I had a message from an insurance agent on my voice mail when I arrived at work this morning. The agent's making a request that will be a challenge to satisfy, and deals with a subject that I'm only modestly well-versed in. I spent a little time playing out different possible routes the call might take, with some worry about reaching a point where I'd be without answers. Then I said, What the heck? I'm just going to call her, and if I hit a bald patch say "I don't know, but I'll get you what you need."

Stay tuned... she wasn't in and I left a message. So I have all night to worry about how it might go when she calls. And I choose not to worry. As long as I'm optimistic, things will be fine. Meanwhile, I choose to enjoy the moment.

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