Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hawks And Doves

While reading a book about Indiana basketball recently, I came across the chair-throwing incident of legendary college coach Bobby Knight. In describing those who berated and supported him through newspaper editorials I saw the phrase "hawks vs. doves."

It brought me back to my annual performance review which took place informally on Friday morning. It's been a fine year professionally, and the only bit of coaching offered was, to paraphrase, that I sometimes spend too much time trying to create harmony rather than making a decision and moving on.

What a spot-on assessment! Hidden Bloggers know that a keystone of my leadership philosophy is inclusiveness. Within the last two weeks I've had to make tough calls on matters where unanimity did not exist, and likely some disagreed with the decisions. That's a fine part of the authority with which I've been blessed. The other aspect of that responsibility, which I feel to be more important, is to foster a sense of teamwork and ownership among everyone by gathering and debating sufficient points of view as we did in these cases. "Analysis paralysis" is counterproductive. But inclusiveness is exponentially productive, creating not only better rounded decisions in the short run but a culture of togetherness, respect and humility that inspires those who tend to be motivated from within, which in my experience describes most people.

I'll always be a little out of place working among hawks. My integrity rests on doing what I can to be a dove, accepting whatever consequences that may have upon my pay.


Colonel Astudillo said...

I dig this post, Joe! Creating an inclusive environment is fundamental to a functional workplace. If the hawks want to make decisions without consulting their reports, let them continue to manage rather than lead.

Joe McDonald said...

Thanks, and in fairness... Not everyone could play for coach Knight, but he was extremely successful. Neither hawks nor doves are bad... each thrives in its own habitat.