Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm Okay, You're Not Okay

"If you resist your initial inclination to get defensive you may be surprised at what happens. instead of, 'Why are you treating me like this?' try saying instead, 'You seem to be having a rough day.' Rather than, 'I didn't do anything, don't talk to me like that,' say, 'This seems to have upset you.' Don't take possession of his problem. It's his problem, not yours." - David Lieberman

The action of at least considering that the problem could be with the other person is a pillar of self-esteem. There's a line crossed into pompousness out there, but if I allowed myself to be drawn into a sense of guilt, anger or failure every time someone ratcheted up the drama level I'd be a basket case. Life is good; we're good; we're strong; that's the lens I'd like to see the world through.

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