Monday, April 12, 2010

Rod Our Savior?

Today I pray in the name of Rod. He is not bigger than the universe, but bigger than me by a good three inches in height and six inches in waist. Not creator of the earth, but possibly creator of my computing capabilities. Not all-seeing or all-powerful, but will shape my future.

In other words, Rod the computer guy for Dena's company is coming to our house on Wednesday to upgrade her machine's memory. While he's here I'm planning to ask about a laptop. I've been listing our questions, desires, and equipment.

1. The HP desktop computer will stay. Why? It has 8 gig of storage space, and is set up for both printing and my recording studio. I've also got my iTunes library there... though perhaps there's a way I could access it by another computer even if I'm not formally networked?

2. Thanks to Jane, we have a LinkSys wireless router. I'm hoping that we can get wireless Internet access. Actually, if we can't, then conversation is over.

3. I'd like to have the laptop be a Mac, since I'm told that I don't need to keep buying virus protection so often (or maybe at all). People tell me it's just a better operating system. And potentially, the voice recording software is better in Mac form, which would give me some flexibility.

4. My most important software includes Excel, Word, and Quicken. These files need to be transferable back and forth between the Mac and PC.

Hopefully almighty Rod can answer these questions and more. Or perhaps some readers can!

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