Saturday, May 14, 2011

10:00 And All's Well

I'm guessing that my natural waking hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Whether it's the biorhythm of being a 9 p.m. baby or just the influence of gripping late-night T.V. programming, it feels great to drift off to sleep exhausted and awaken to a brightly-lit room and the scent of a sun-washed landscape. When we were on vacation last year the routine was similar. This morning the feet hit the floor near 10:00, which allowed for an hour or so of puttering around until the sleep haze lifted, then off to the gym.

Who decided that 8 a.m. was the best time to begin a work day? I'd like to call for a re-vote, please. Better yet, I vote to become my own boss.

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