Monday, May 23, 2011

Speedy Delivery

Yet another example in the long list of reasons I am impressed and a happy alum of HCC. The response within 12 hours of my request shared last night:

"Hello Joe,

Thank you for your interest in the ACT classes. I am the Program Manager in charge of the college prep program and I am always interested in new instructors for new college prep classes. If you have an idea for a new class I have attached a course proposal that you can fill out and return to me with your resume for consideration. As far as the current ACT program, it is taught by 3 instructors; science, math and English areas. There is no need to sign up, our lead instructor is more than happy to touch base with you about the program. I will pass along your email and have her contact you to set something up.

Thank you Joe, let me know if you have any questions I can answer for you!

Jennifer Feamin"

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