Monday, September 2, 2013

12 Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth

Picked up this list from Redbook:

1. Strawberries. Filled with malic acid.

2. Seeds and nuts, such as almonds. Lightly abrasive foods.

3. Onions. Mmm, kay.

4. Apples. The crunch is good, the crispness strengthens gums, the high water content boosts saliva production.

5. Baking soda. It's a base, like bleach. And the salty aspect - the "soda" part - is a mild abrasive. You can brush with this instead of toothpaste.

6. Celery and carrots. Like apples, the water content boosts saliva production.

7. Broccoli. The florets naturally brush your teeth while eating.

8. Cheese. Filled with teeth-strengthening calcium, and mostly colorless so non-staining.

9. Oranges. In mild doses, the citric acid brightens teeth. In time, excess could wear away too much enamel though.

10. Water. Not really a food, I'd say, but it reduces the acidity in your mouth that can wear away teeth over time.

11. Pears. See, apples.

12. Milk and yogurt. These are calcium-upping superfoods.

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