Monday, September 2, 2013

Hidden Blog Reaches 4,000th Post

How about that?

It's been just over 74 months since July 1, 2007 launched Hidden Blog. And today it ascended to its 4,000th post.

There's some self-satisfaction in having stuck with the discipline of 50 posts each month for so long. And perhaps some validation that people find these thoughts and creations to be useful, or at least amusing. In the month of August just closed, the site was viewed 5,300 times; since inception, over 120,000. A little math suggests that each post has reached about 30 people on average, enough to fill a small church perhaps. Apparently from all over the globe (about 5,000 of those page views claim to be sited in Russia, for example).

What I'd share with certainty, though, is the connection between the launch of the blog and my personal peace of mind. I would have continued this blog even if no one knew about it (hence the name). And the near-daily act of bringing thoughts of love and fun top of mind, long enough to jot them down, and often in ways that inspire self-reflection beyond what I intended to write, is like taking vitamins to quiet the soul.

With that said, Hidden Bloggers have expanded and definitely contribute to my enthusiasm. Thirteen of you have "liked" the site through, and another 15 of you have liked it through the Facebook page:

A man who enjoys performing will always be better off with an audience. So thanks for checking in, and as always, may whatever notions God channels through me to this site continue to keep feedin' what you're needin'!

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