Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wind In The Sails: Overcoming False Enthusiasm

"When you come onto the floor with confidence, not cockiness, and the other team has used emotion to prepare to defeat you, you have a tremendous advantage. Your first run will deflate whatever has been pumped up; and your relentless confidence will usually prevail."

Among the easier things to do in life is to get fired up by raw emotion at the start of an endeavor, whether it's a new diet, painting a bedroom, training for a 5K race, launching a business or entering a competition. Maybe not surprisingly, it's at least as easy to quit when the novelty is past and hard work outside the limelight is required.

One way to stoke real enthusiasm, which in some stretches means just steeling your jaw and pressing on, is to visualize success on the far end. And to realize how many great journeys were fraught with boredom and obstacles. No doubt Columbus encountered a few waves and slow patches in his long journey to an unknown (and non-existent?) land. Yet on he went, inspired by the thought of land on the far side.

What seas are we riding today? Whether in the dock or out in choppy or dismal waters, our dream of success can fill the sails and keep us moving forward.

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