Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Committed To A Dental Institution

Someone paid a compliment about my teeth yesterday. For that I've got to thank Dr. Anderson, my dentist of 20 years.

After getting a couple of crowns a half-year ago, I had been experiencing some pain in three different spots. Chomper of almonds that I am, I prepared for the worst - that some teeth might've cracked, that the trauma from the crowns had somehow damaged the root canal. I couldn't eat on the right side without contact pain, and couldn't put anything other than room-temperature liquid either. Since I've used up my dental insurance coverage for the year, I was also prepared for the uncomfortable status quo for the next few months.

As it turned out, the heat/cold sensitivity is due to simple overbrushing. Nothing that a switch to a softer brush, careful swabbing, and sensitivity-protection toothpaste couldn't cure.

As for the two aching crowns, nothing further is damaged - X-rays came out clean - I just needed some adjustment to my bite with the new teeth. A little instant drilling to re-shape, and I was on my way.

I have to wait a couple weeks for the tired tooth-ligaments to heal from their irritation, but it looks as if once again I have plenty to smile about, and plenty to smile with for the foreseeable future.

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