Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 Goals Review

It's been another blessed year filled with happiness and accomplishment. The final wrap-up:

Exercise/Stretch 5+ Days a Week, Body Fat 14%

Thanks to the close of the semester I've been back at six days of weekly exercises. The body's behaved all month long, even after an afternoon of flag football. I'm running three miles several times a week on the treadmill at about an 8:30 pace, plus regular weight lifting for the hips, glutes, back and shoulders. The body fat's under 14% according to the meter.

Healthy Knee

My hip strength is rising which has helped alleviate some pressure on the knee, but a call to Dena's knee doctor is still in order. After curing three ailing body parts in 2014 (elbow, teeth, eye), this shorter list will be appealing in the new year.

Tutor 700 Hours

Thanks to a couple of 40+ hour weeks, including a record 13-hour day, I blew past 700 and landed on 753 for the year. After starting the year with an 800-hour goal and post-summer adjustment down to 700, splitting the difference is perfectly fine.

Blog Thanks Weekly

Nailed this goal again! In all I did over 60 posts simply about gratitude this year, and I'm sure that life's been more radiant because of it.

Volunteer For A New Organization

This one will have to be re-upped for 2015. LMC is offering several volunteer opportunities next year and I could capitalize on that.

Clean House

This goal is met. The basement's fixed, wardrobe updated, carport lighting & driveway projects under way.

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