Wednesday, December 17, 2014

3 Anti-Procrastinating Tips

By Tim Pychyl:

1. See the slack. People who lose weight often say they started dropping pounds the day they realized they were eating when they weren't hungry. Same with procrastination. You need to recognize that you're wasting time you don't have.

2. Don't wait to be inspired. Inertia is stronger than inspiration - from any source. Your motivational state will never match the task. You're not going to wake up and say 'I feel like eating kale today,' just as a 10-year-old will never feel like doing homework. That's why parents exist - to tell the kid, 'It's not about how you feel; just get started.'

3. Don't wait, period. Don't think about starting your task. Just start. You'll be in the groove in no time. Attitude follows behavior, not vice versa. It's really magical.

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