Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Goals

Reflecting in an earlier post, I wondered if 2015 could revive the mystic memories of college years by appealing to ISU Bone Scholar criteria of "broad and excellent achievement," "community engagement," "outstanding qualities of character and leadership," "dependability, cooperation, initiative." So this year's list reads a notch more ambitiously than previous ones, including tried and true goals and some new ones deserving comment:

Physical Health

- Exercise/stretch 5+ days per week
- Body fat 14%
- Healthy knee
- Fruits/vegetables 5+ days per week
- Increased use of sunscreen and other skin care products

The first three carry over from last year. The last two tilt toward a new level of exterior health by recognizing the most widely-recommended health tips that have been overlooked.

Financial Health

- Expenses below 2014 levels
- Improved tutoring records

The absence of financial goals last year might have contributed to record-high expenses. I should be able to hit these marks fairly easily with attention.

Community Engagement

- Volunteer for a new organization
- Develop and execute a marketing plan for tutoring

I anticipate tutoring fewer hours personally as I pursue other hobbies like theater. But could I develop a network of other tutors, or find more success in the college market?

Personal Character And Leadership

- Blog thanks weekly
- Make 10 new acquaintances, including a mentoring relationship
- Lead condominium association projects, such as new driveway
- Arrive early/discipline

"Arrive early" to places seems simple, but I believe it could have as great a ripple effect as any of these other goals. In order to excel, one must first be present. It's time to turn my eyes back toward the front of the class.

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