Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cold Facts

I'm starting to come down with a cold. I think that's contributing to the fact that I was sleeping uneasily and finally decided to just get up even though it's 3:30 a.m. Sometimes when the mind's racing about different things in the middle of the night (and I mean totally irrational things that have nothing to do with reality - like a random dream about driving through the North Carolina forests desperately trying to find Dena by cell phone and being interrupted by a ranting employee of the Cubs who kept coming on the line), it just helps to get up, get a quick glass of water, and get oriented back with reality. Realizing that a cold's coming on, and the six to twelve days of crumminess that generally accompanies it, has a bunch of physical remedies but perhaps more importantly a mental remedy - envisioning the darn near superhuman feeling that comes on that first day that you're fully healed. So I'll keep my mind focused on that.

Back to bed!

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