Saturday, October 18, 2008

Solving The Mole Problem

A man had moles tearing holes in his backyard for years, despite trying everything he knew how to get rid of them. Then one day he happened to be standing behind someone in a hardware store holding a bag with skull and crossbones on it. Asking what the bag was for, the answer came "The mole problem."

"How do you get that stuff down into the burrows?"

"Oh, it's not for the moles. You sprinkle it on the grass and it kills the grubs that the moles eat." - Susan Scott

Sometimes I've found the best way to overcome a sense of overwhelming to be the simple act of doing one, small, productive thing. It might be the act of getting in the car and merely setting foot in the health club. Or paying one bill. Or getting a hair cut. Or just putting my feet on the floor when I wake up in the morning. Big problems can be handled one small step at a time.

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