Saturday, December 20, 2008

McDonald Rebuffs Smith Movie

In private conversation Friday night, Hidden Blog parent Judy McDonald refused to attend Will Smith's newest movie "7 Pounds," creating an insignificant wave of mild surprise.

Earlier that evening Joe McDonald had contacted his brother Jack via cell phone en route to Bloomingdale for a Christmas weekend getaway. The younger McDonald, transferred to California with State Farm earlier this year, had recently arrived at O'Hare airport and was awaiting Judy's pick-up to drive him back to their childhood home.

During the phone call the brothers drafted an agenda featuring a Saturday afternoon visit to the Bloomingdale theater. Employing family rules of engagement, Jack was to propose the plan to their mother for executive approval.

"It looks like a good one," Joe commented. "So does 'Yes Man' by Jim Carrey, but I'm saving that one for later. The last two Christmases have been good for movies. I like movies."

In fact, the third-generation Irish clan had attended other movies together as part of prior visits. Judy's patent refusal shortly after Joe and Dena's arrival was both surprising and welcome.

"Now we get to see it later, maybe with other people," Dena didn't say.

The trip still qualified as a wild success, filled with games, T.V. watching, and Mom's delicious home cooking. The gift exchange included the boys changing light bulbs and moving furniture to help prepare the home for eventual sale.

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