Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yes Man

We headed out with Troy and Dona to catch this flick, which spoofs the kind of cultish behavior typified by a dynamic hero cheerleading an auditorium full of deliriously happy, chanting people.

Besides Jim Carrey's usual flair for ad-libbing and physical comedy (e.g. his highly-caffeinated rambling about the greatness of Red Bull - after ingesting them all night long), what I liked about it was the way that the conflict arose without his character (Carl Allen, a previously humdrum loan officer at a bank) doing or saying something surprisingly wrong. The solution was in coming to grips with the fact that while life passes you by if you say "no" to opportunities, that blindly saying "yes" to everything can be equally hollow due to the inherent dishonesty of it.

It's a great ride with a fast-moving plot, see it while you still can!

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