Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mr. Phil

Can someone explain to me why doctors are addressed by their profession? Who else does this?

"Hello, I'm Dr. Smith."
"Pleased to meet you, Doctor. I'm Actuary McDonald, and this is my wife Graphic Designer McDonald."

"I'm a Doctor of Optometry."
"She's a Designer of Really Cool Logos."

"I got my Doctorate at Johns Hopkins University."
"She got her Macintosh at Best Buy."

Why does this make sense? Are their real first names that embarrassing? And who thought that that abbreviation was a good idea? Just shove the first and last letter together and stick a period at the end.

"Hi I'm Phil, but how about you just call me Pl."
"And this is my son, Mow My Back Yard Jones."

1 comment:

freid207 said...

It's 11:23 PM and I am trying not to howl so loud with laughter that I wake up a sleeping giant (AKA Husband). This was hilarious!